Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gradings and New Members

I would like to congratulate Darryl Charlwood on achieving his 1st Dan in June.

Philippe Girard ventured down to the Bournemouth dojo for Darryl's assessment.

Also some other gradings that have happened in the last couple of months

Simon Jeffery - 4th Kyu - Bournemouth
Jon Wilton - 4th Kyu - Bournemouth

A correction:
Slawomir Jaloszynski - 4th Kyu - Finsbury

New Members I would like to welcome to the BKAA

Nick MacLean - Malvern
Brian Walker - Malvern
Darren Nichols - Swindon
Megan Emms - Swindon
Katie Booth - Swindon
Louis Deva Kumar - Bristol

One new member that slipped through:
Matthew Mungeam - Orpington

BKAA Seminar in Swindon

I have been in contact with David Currie and due to work commitments he is unable to attend the seminar in Swindon this October.

We looked at alternative dates, although unfortunately diaries cannot be committed.

Therefore this time the BKAA meeting will continue, although I will look for alternate instructor and themes.

If you are attending, could you start to indicate numbers, as I will consider whether to run both Saturday and Sunday or single day only again.