Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Doncaster Two Circles Seminar

John Edge at Two Circles dojo is proud to announce an Aikido Seminar 
from September 25th-26th, 2010

Aikido instruction will be provided by Stephen Rehrauer Sensei, AAI
European Director, Rokudan (6th degree black belt)

The seminar will be held  at St Judes & St Leonard church hall, Barnsley Road, Doncaster

The training is open to students of any martial art or rank, and from any organization or dojo.

Rehrauer Sensei began the study of the Tomiki style of aikido under the direction of Seiji Tanaka Sensei, who had been a direct student of Tomiki Sensei himself. When transferred several years later to Spain , Rehrauer Sensei continued his aikido training in the Hombu Style under the direction of Tomas Sanchez Sensei, a student of Nobuyoshi Tamura Sensei, and was awarded his shodan by Sanchez Sensei in the spring of 1985. 

After returning to the United States that same year he settled in Chicago.  Two days after his arrival in Chicago, he went in search of a local dojo in which to train, met Toyoda Fumio Shihan, and began an intensive period of training under his direction.  It was the beginning of a long and profound relationship of student and master, teacher and friend, which continued until Toyoda Shihan’s untimely death.  Toyoda Shihan saw clearly the way in which the practice of aikido techniques become lessons that shape a way of life where mind and body are one.  During that period Rehrauer Sensei studied and taught regularly at Tenshinkan, the headquarters dojo of the Aikido Association of America, and benefitted from many serious and fruitful discussions with Toyoda Sensei concerning these spiritual and technical aspects, and deeper meanings of aikido technique and training practice.

While studying and teaching aikido in Chicago at Tenshinkan dojo, Rehrauer Sensei became a founding member of the first board of directors of the Aikido Association International and acted as its first Secretary and Treasurer.  there he benefitted as an active participant in Toyoda Shihan’s developing methodology for teaching highest quality aikido and ensuring quality standards among AAA and AAI certified instructors.  He accompanied Toyoda Sensei on many workshops to other cities throughout the USA, and in Europe.  Having earned his 4th dan, Toyoda Shihan appointed him as one of the original members of the first AAA National Teaching Committee, and when Rehrauer Sensei relocated from Chicago to Rome to begin work as a professor, Toyoda Shihan appointed him as the European Secretary of the AAI.  While acting as European Secretary he accompanied and assisted Toyoda Shihan on his many European Seminars.  In April of 2000, Toyoda Sensei nominated him for promotion to Godan and the Doshu awarded Rehrauer Sensei his 5th dan on January 1st, 2001 at the annual Kagami Biraki ceremony.  This past year he was nominated for 6th dan and the current Doshu promoted him to Rokudan onJanuary 1st, 2010.

Rehrauer Sensei in his capacity as European Secretary regularly consults with the Toyoda family concerning administrative and technical issues, and both attends and directs workshops and training seminars throughout the European region, passing on what he received from Toyoda Shihan, in order to ensure the technical excellence and quality of instruction for which the AAI is widely known and respected.